
Welcome to my blog! I figure this is the best way to keep everyone stateside updated on my escapades in foggy, foggy England, so bear with me as I get the hang of this! I'll try to update at least once a week, so standby for more posts and please remember to comment!

Friday, 29 October 2010

Making Headlines at Oxford Already

 ...am I cool or what?

Breaking hearts since the 51st century

So last night when I went to DocSoc to watch The Empty Child and get my Cap'n Jack fix there were some copies of The Oxford Student, our weekly student paper, floating around the room. Apparently the Doctor Who Society had been featured in the "Soc-hopping" section this week and there were some quotes and comments about the first meeting of the term. Upon further perusal, I noticed that...I got quoted!! Well, a little misquoted, and they didn't include my name, but hey, we take what we can get right?

Here's the article/quotation:

My printer has a scanner, jealous?

"The Freshers’ Drinks drew in a mixed crowd...from an older gentleman who was celebrating his 21st membership anniversary, to a rather bemused second year, who only came because she 'likes the way Matt Smith moves and talks.' Her friend disagreed and fought Tennant’s corner, claiming that Smith’s head is 'so big that they wouldn’t be able to fit it all on one television screen.' She was prepared to admit, though, that through some sort of witchcraft the BBC had made it possible."

"Her friend" = ME, fighting bravely for the Tenth Doctor's superiority since 2009. Don't get me wrong (I see Claire bristling as I write this), I do like Matt Smith, but I miss the Tenth Doctor's "allons-y!" and "Well...". I know, tragic loss.

Anyway, I thought it was particularly appropriate that I made my first official mark on Oxford as unnamed geek girl in the Doctor Who Soc. I basically consider myself famous now. Here's the whole article for those who want to read: Soc-hopping with the Doctor Who Soc.

Also, to my readers for whom this entry makes no sense at all: sorry guys. I'll write about something normal next time. And/or start watching more BBC.


Bow ties are cool!


  1. Hahaha how fabulously appropriate! and what a sassy quote. I know you just wish you had a giant cranium like Matt and me.

  2. Hello - came across this while looking to see if there had been any more reaction to the OxStu article on the web. I was the 'older gentleman' of the article, which I suppose I must get used to...
